Packet and Wasabi join hands to offer better cloud services than AWS


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Cloud and edge computing infrastructure provider Packet, and hot cloud storage firm Wasabi, have joined hands to integrate their respective platforms to offer their customers cloud computing and storage services for less compared to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

David Friend, CEO of Wasabi, said: “Amazon has 100-some-odd cloud services. They do everything, but they don’t do anything particularly well. They’ve got one big integrated environment. But if you want the best content delivery network, Amazon doesn’t have it. If you want the best storage, Amazon doesn’t have it.”

At the moment, Packet and Wasabi’s offering is very limited in scope if compared to AWS’ multiple services. Unlike AWS’ be-everything-to-everybody approach, the companies are focusing only on cloud storage and cloud computing.

According to Friend, Wasabi’s cloud storage is 80% cheaper and six-times faster than Amazon S3 storage.

Zac Smith, CEO of Packet, said: “How can we create an experience for enterprise buyers that gives the best of both worlds: the best, low-cost storage option and the best compute, but at the same time not with a lower experience for the developer? We’re not trying to solve this from a technology standpoint. We’re trying to solve this from an operations and business standpoint.”

Packet claims that its bare-metal cloud supports more than 60,000 installations every month and is available in more than 18 countries. Its cloud automation platform enables bare metal installations in less than 60 seconds.

Also, both companies will be offering joint services via their individual infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) management consoles and APIs, which is likely to be available in Q1 2019. This integrated console will let Packet compute customers to use Wasabi storage and Wasabi customers to use Packet compute resources.

These joint cloud services will be connected over a high-capacity, low-latency fibre network with no transfer fees between compute and storage elements. in hearing industry leaders discuss subjects like this and sharing their Cyber Security & Cloud use-cases? Attend the& Cyber Security & Cloud Expo World Series& events with upcoming shows in Silicon Valley, London and Amsterdam to learn more.
