Category : Cloud Infrastructure

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

5 Ways KPI Analysis Helps DevOps

Four Vs drive big data solutions: volume, velocity, variety and veracity. Volume and velocity are technical considerations usually receiving a healthy dose of attention among architects and coders. However, variety and veracity often determine succe...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Demystifying Crucial Phases of Project Management

With competition becoming more intense for development companies, project management is becoming a more integral part of every project. It’s no longer limited to the actual creation of a new project. Now, it’s about planning, communicating, collabor...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Reducing Poverty in the Age of Automation

In 1966, more than half of the people in the world lived in extreme poverty. I don’t mean public housing, food stamps, subsidized school lunch, free health clinic poverty. I mean the type of poverty in which there’s no electricity, no running water,...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Top 5 Challenges of Monitoring Multi-cloud Environments

Today’s enterprises use many different clouds, which makes monitoring and management more difficult than ever. For most enterprises, multi-cloud has become the new normal. RightScale’s 2018 State of the Cloud Report found that 81 percent of enterpris...