Category : Cloud Infrastructure

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

What’s new in Azure DevOps Sprint 143 Update

Sprint 143 Update of Azure DevOps is rolling out to all organizations. In this update, draft pull requests is now available in Azure Repos which allows you to easily create work in progress that may not include everyone. We are also releasing new fea...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Announcing Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC1

Yesterday, we announced Azure DevOps Server 2019 RC1. This is the evolution of TFS and the first release with our new brand and new navigation. We’ve added a ton of new features which you can read about in our release notes. This is a go-live r...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

DevOps for Blockchain Apps

Blockchain has emerged from the shadow of its cryptocurrency origins to be seen as a transformative data technology that can power the next generation of software for multi-party Enterprise and consumer scenarios.  With the trust and transparency tha...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Xcode 8.0-8.3.2 deprecation on Azure Pipelines hosted agents

This September, Azure Pipelines delivered Microsoft-hosted build support for Xcode 10 on the day it was released. Now that our community builds fewer than 1 percent of apps with older versions of Xcode 8, we will focus on supporting Xcode 8.3.3 and h...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Is a Cloud-native Strategy Right for You?

A cloud-native approach offers an agile environment enabling organizations to meet ever-increasing customer demands and expectations. This allows companies to grow a product, service, or idea and deploy all these things as quickly as business plans c...