Category : Cloud Providers

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

The Journey to Enterprise Managed Kubernetes

It’s been just over a year since we announced the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) and Registry (OCIR) offerings, foundational pieces in Oracle’s cloud for developing, deploying, and running container nati...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Azure Marketplace new offers - Volume 26

We continue to expand the Azure Marketplace ecosystem. During September and October, 149 new consulting offers successfully met the onboarding criteria and went live. See details of the new offers below: Consulting Services ...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Azure.Source - Volume 61

Microsoft Connect(); 2018 On Tuesday, December 4th, Microsoft Connect(); 2018 provided a full day of developer-focused content—including updates on Azure and Visual Studio, keynotes, demos, and real-time coding with experts. Scott Gu...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Enabling NFS-Client on Windows at Instance Launch Time

One benefit of cloud offerings comes from the ability to spin up new resources on-demand, with minimal effort. Automation tools play a pivotal role in harnessing the power of cloud infrastructure. As announced in July 2018, Oracle Cloud Infrastructur...