Category : Cloud Providers

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Customer Managed VM Maintenance with Reboot Migration

One of the key benefits of moving workloads to the cloud is the ability to rely on cloud providers to maintain underlying infrastructure. This helps you focus more resources on your specific business solutions. Occasionally, however, a maintenance ev...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Rethinking How to Build a Cloud

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has faced many challenges with its late entry into infrastructure as a service (IaaS), but that late entry has also come with a significant benefit: we've been able to hire the best and brightest people from the market...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Rapid Global Expansion for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

At OpenWorld this year, Oracle described a bold plan to extend global coverage of our next-generation enterprise-centric cloud infrastructure platform. This cloud is designed to meet the needs of our core customers, with consistent high performance,...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

Top Five Reasons to Attend Oracle Cloud Day

I work with senior technology leaders who continuously tell me that it’s hard to keep up with—and secure—all of the new technologies that are coming online: AI, bots, IoT, blockchain, and so on. Oracle is hosting Oracle Cloud Day t...

by Super Admin - 5 years ago

SAP Highlights at Oracle OpenWorld 2018

It was a very exciting time at Oracle OpenWorld this year! There were lots of great keynotes regarding further advancements in cloud technologies and database, and packed sessions with a ton of new announcements about Oracle Cloud services in general...