Cross-Region Block Volume Backups for Business Continuity, Migration, and Expansion

Oracle Cloud

Cloud Providers / Oracle Cloud 1230 Views 0

We are excited to announce that you can now copy your block volume backups between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions.

This new capability is part of our continual investment to provide customers with comprehensive application and data protection solutions in cloud. Cross-region backup copy enhances the following capabilities:

  • Disaster recovery and business continuity: By copying block volume backups to another region at a regular interval, you can rebuild applications and data in another region if a region-wide disaster occurs.
  • Migration and expansion: You can easily migrate and expand your applications to another region.

This capability is provided at no additional cost to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure customers beyond the cost of the amount of block and object storage consumed by the remote copy. It is available in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, API, CLI, SDK, and Terraform.

Copying a block volume backup to another region is straightforward in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console. The following steps show how to copy a backup across regions and how to restore volume content from a backup in another region.

  1. In the Block Storage section of the console, access the block volume backups in the appropriate compartment.

  2. From the action menu (...) for the backup that you want to copy to another region, select Copy to Another Region.

  3. Specify a name for the backup and the destination region, and click Copy Block Volume Backup.

  4. Confirm the backup copy settings.

  5. In the Console, go to the destination region and verify that the backup is available in that region.

    Now you can restore from the backup on the destination region by creating a new volume from the backup.

  6. From the action menu (...) for the backup in the destination region, select Create Block Volume.

  7. Enter a name for the restored volume, provide the necessary parameters, and then click Create Block Volume.

  8. In the Block Volumes section on the destination region, verify that the restored volume is available.

We want you to experience these new features and all the enterprise-grade capabilities that Oracle Cloud Infrastructure offers. It’s easy to try them with our& $300 free credit. For more information, see the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Getting Started guide, Block Volume service overview, Block Volume documentation, and FAQ.

Watch for announcements about additional features and capabilities in this space. Features such as policy-based, scheduled copy of backups across regions are on our near-term road map. We value your feedback as we continue to enhance our offering and make our service the best in the industry. Let us know how we can continue to improve or if you want more information about any topic.

Max Verun
